Green Street Pre-School List

Choosing the right preschool for your child is a crucial decision that can significantly impact their early learning experiences. Green Street Pre-School in Mollymook understands the importance of providing a nurturing environment for young learners. Here are key considerations to keep in mind when selecting a preschool:


1. Accreditation and Licensing: Ensure that the preschool is accredited and licensed by relevant education authorities. Green Street Pre-School meets these standards, guaranteeing that it adheres to established educational and safety guidelines.

2. Qualified and Experienced Staff: Green Street Pre-School prides itself on having a team of qualified and experienced educators. Check the credentials of the staff, including teachers and support personnel, to ensure that they have the expertise to provide a high-quality learning experience for your child.

3. Curriculum and Educational Philosophy: Review the preschool’s curriculum and educational philosophy. Green Street Pre-School follows a well-rounded curriculum that promotes holistic development, including social, emotional, cognitive, and physical aspects. Their approach focuses on fostering a love for learning through play-based activities.

4. Safety and Cleanliness: Prioritize the safety and cleanliness of the preschool environment. Green Street Pre-School maintains a secure and hygienic space for children. Conduct a site visit to assess the facilities, outdoor play areas, and overall cleanliness to ensure a safe and healthy setting for your child.

5. Learning Resources and Facilities: Explore the learning resources and facilities available at the preschool. Green Street Pre-School provides a stimulating learning environment with age-appropriate resources, creative spaces, and outdoor play areas. Adequate facilities contribute to a positive and enriching learning experience.

6. Parental Involvement: Consider the level of parental involvement encouraged by the preschool. Green Street Pre-School values collaboration between parents and educators. They offer opportunities for parental engagement through events, workshops, and regular communication, fostering a strong partnership in a child’s early education.

7. Positive Learning Atmosphere: Assess the overall atmosphere of the preschool. Green Street Pre-School creates a positive and inclusive learning environment where children feel valued and supported. A warm and welcoming atmosphere contributes to a child’s sense of security and enhances the learning experience.

8. Class Size and Teacher-Student Ratio: Evaluate the class size and teacher-student ratio. Green Street Pre-School maintains manageable class sizes and an appropriate teacher-student ratio to ensure personalized attention. Smaller class sizes enable educators to cater to individual needs and foster meaningful interactions.

9. Health and Nutrition Policies: Inquire about health and nutrition policies implemented by the preschool. Green Street Pre-School emphasizes the importance of healthy living and provides nutritious meals. Understanding the policies ensures that your child’s well-being is prioritized during their time at the preschool.

10. Reputation and Reviews: Research the preschool’s reputation and read reviews from other parents. Green Street Pre-School has a positive reputation for its commitment to quality early childhood education. Insights from other families can provide valuable perspectives on the preschool’s strengths.


Green Street Pre-School in Mollymook aligns with these key considerations, offering a well-regarded educational environment for young learners. By focusing on accreditation, qualified staff, a holistic curriculum, safety, parental involvement, a positive atmosphere, and other crucial factors, Green Street Pre-School stands out as a reliable choice for parents seeking a preschool that prioritizes their child’s early education and development.